【课程对象】 :企业中高层管理者
【课程时间】 :实战版1天,
Ø 年底工作一大堆,会议准备很匆忙
Ø 汇报工作走过场,说和没说一个样
Ø 虽然定了大方向,落实依然很渺茫
Ø 计划不如变化快,因为计划不周详
Ø 参与人员的年度工作报告写得笼统、含糊、空洞;
Ø 目标制定草率,计划的制定随意,所以计划不如变化快;
Ø 目标分解不明,责任划分不清,扯皮推诿严重,造成会议低效;
Ø 没有统一高效和科学的会议推进程序,说到哪里算哪里;
Ø 缺乏高效的管理工具,作为后续执行的有效保障。
Ø 如何评价过去一年的绩效?
Ø 明年的战略重点,以及相对应的目标是什么?
Ø 这些目标如何完成?要制定哪些计划?科学合理的计划是如何产生的?
Ø 会前辅导(一天)
Ÿ 预审汇报材料PPT
Ÿ 会议议程制定
Ÿ 明确明年战略重点(高层)
Ø 会中主持(两天)——内容详见【两天会议议程】
Ÿ 研讨重点工作,形成一级目标清单
Ÿ 目标分解,形成二级目标
Ÿ 关键问题分析和WBS分析,形成三级目标
Ÿ 研讨解决方案
Ÿ 形成每各项重点工作的时间计划
Ø 会后辅导(一天)
Ÿ 会议纪要的整理与发放
Ÿ 如何制定年度绩效考核方案
Ÿ 如何进行年度绩效面谈
The course earnings
1、 深刻领悟工作汇报意义,方法
significance, method of Understanding the report on the work of the
2、 掌握工作报告的方法,技巧,主动汇报的态度
Master the work report of the methods, skills, positive attitude of the report
3、 处理好上下级关系,高效工作
Deal well with the relationship between leader, efficient work
4、 掌握目标管理与工作汇报关系
Mastery goal management and reporting relationship
5、 掌握工作中沟通技巧
Master work communication skills
【课程大纲】 :
The work report and the method
purpose of the Report
The classification of the work report
Management by objectives and work report
Working attitude and report
Diligence is more important than ability
Different working report and characteristics
The company's annual report
The monthly reports of the company
Project report
Comprehensive report
The contents of the report
Basic conditions
The achievements and shortcomings
The achievements and defects
Work reports and management by objectives
Company tenet, annual goals
Department goal
The report of the key: two-way communication
Management communication: pain is no, the general rules of pain
How to hold the goal of efficient Conference
Target communication of high, middle, primary
Work report and communication skills
Understanding the process of effective communication
Master effective communication steps
Using the effective communication skills
Reporting methods and skills
Manage the daily work
With the project management method, the realization of the goal
Collate and main task
Positive work attitude
Report the problems and find solutions of the project
Reporting methods and skills
The end of the course:
A review of the important knowledge
Interactive: ask and answer
Student: : summary of study and a plan of action
Enterprise ‘s leaders: Awards
Enterprise leaders: summarization and speech
Photo: group photograph